
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Introducing My Self

ok, here i am
i have not introduce my self before, and now let me tell you about my self

My name is Prihandita Permata Putri, too long right? don't be worried, you can call me dita, that was short and easy. now i am 16 years old. i'm still a student in one of favourite school in cibinong (my hometown). i just a girl with a bilion questions on my mind, and i couldn't find it answers from the other people around me, so i have to find it self.

My reason for this Blog, hemm..not a big or special reason from me.
saya hanya ingin membagi pikiran saya dengan orang-orang sekitar saya. Banyak orang di luar sana yang masih tidak bisa berpikir rasional (bukannya saya bilang saya berpikir rasional ya). saya ingin mengajak mereka ikut berpikir dan memikirkan apa yang saya katakan dan saya pikirkan. Hidup ini akan indah jika kita mau memahaminya, bukan hanya menjalaninya

I love music, photography, writing, and thinking something..


so This is me

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